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Building a beta program that delivers

Keith James  General Manager, Onvio Tax and Accounting Professionals

· 5 minute read

Keith James  General Manager, Onvio Tax and Accounting Professionals

· 5 minute read

When we set out to recruit firms to join our Onvio Tax beta program last year, our goal was to ensure go-to-market readiness for Onvio Tax prior to our commercial launch. From onboarding and training to product readiness and commercial strategy, we wanted to make sure we got the product right for our customers.

Running an immersive beta program is about more than validating our own preconceived notions about timelines and readiness. It’s about letting users in, engaging with them, and encouraging them to provide honest feedback that can help us be better. Our guiding principle has always been to advance the profession through the technology, value, and service we offer to our customers.

As you’ll read in our interview with Corey Greene, our Onvio Tax beta program was conducted during the 2020 tax season. This was a real-world trial in that participants used Onvio Tax to e-file returns with the IRS. While it was certainly a sacrifice for our beta testers to trial a product during their busiest time of year, it was an invaluable opportunity for us to deepen our connection and partnership with them during the time our products can help them the most.

To make this beta program possible, we brought forward our product roadmap by two years with the ambitious goal of launching a solution in 2021 that served the majority of the market. What we learned is that we absolutely have the right product, but we need to conduct a second, more targeted beta trial during tax season 2021. This program will focus specifically on 1040s. By validating and releasing Onvio Tax in smaller increments, we can provide the most value to our clients and prospects.

During one of our many roundtable discussions, one beta participant took a moment to thank everyone at Thomson Reuters for our willingness to put on this program because, in his words, no one else would have been open enough to do something like this. What made this beta program exceptional was our combination of face-time together with the collection of extensive data that will improve the product we bring to market.

Through group sessions, one-to-one discussions, and numerous touchpoints, we created a community of invested and engaged beta participants who wanted to be a part of something bigger. I’m so grateful to our customers for sitting with us at the table and co-creating a platform that is truly built by tax professionals and accountants for tax professionals and accountants.

Together, we will achieve our goal of co-developing a solution that advances the profession and empowers firms to generate revenue, increase profits, and retain clients. With Onvio, your firm will save time processing tax returns, collaborate easily with staff and clients, and increase focus on high-value advisory services.

At the end of the day, we are deeply committed to building a platform that helps our customers thrive, not just survive—and our beta program is helping us to do just that.

If you have questions or want to learn more about Onvio, contact us today
at 800-968-8900.

For more information, visit the new Onvio.


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